Episode 4: Clearing the Air and College
Welcome back beautiful person! Today I cleared some things up because I do not want any misunderstandings with the experiences I share with all of you. When I talked about my ex-partner manipulating me in episode 3, I want to emphasis that I FELT like he was doing it, regardless if it was intentionally or unintentionally. I do not want to villainize him or make it seem he is a terrible a person because he is not, but he has some things he has to work on to not hurt others. Today’s topic is college, so I talked about how and why I decided my major in my college career. It is very difficult to navigate college as a first generation student because we can not rely on our parents for help. At the end of the episode, I share my experience post undergraduate and how that has been for me.
Music: https://www.purple-planet.com